Grantham College’s Table Tennis Success Stories

Grantham College’s Table Tennis Program Continues to Shine Globally

April 17, 2024 | Paul Stimpson

Grantham College’s table tennis program is quickly becoming a powerhouse, with their athletes racking up an impressive haul of medals from competitions at home and abroad. The squad has demonstrated their dominance, securing gold, silver, and bronze accolades across a variety of international events, domestic Grand Prix tournaments, and the recent Mark Bates Ltd National Championships.

The program’s success spans both female and male players hailing from England, Wales, and beyond. At the National Championships, standout performances included Ella Pashley’s silver medal in the Under-21 Women’s Singles and bronze in the Mixed Doubles, while Toby Ellis claimed bronze in the Under-21 Men’s Singles.

Head Coach Vidal Graham attributes the team’s accomplishments to the individualized training programs tailored to each athlete’s specific needs and goals.

“Every single athlete has their own set program depending on their level and what they need to get to the next level,” he explains. “We design the training and tournament schedule around the player, whether it’s gaining more international experience or seeking out opportunities to compete against top talent abroad.”

The Grantham students’ achievements are also a testament to the strong squad dynamic fostered within the program. While table tennis is an individual sport, Graham notes that the athletes support and push each other during training sessions, despite the occasional tensions that arise when facing off in tournament matches.

“Everyone knows that they can’t get better without the other people in the hall, so they are quite supportive when they’re in the training hall,” Graham says. “Obviously in the tournament environment, depending on how some players are doing, it can be up and down. But in general, I think we have a good sort of club ethos and they do support each other at finals and so forth.”

The program’s ultimate goal is to help each player reach their full potential, whether that means securing a spot on a national team, competing at the international level, or simply becoming the best version of themselves. With the continued dedication and success of the Grantham table tennis squad, the college may indeed need to invest in a bigger trophy cabinet in the years to come.

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