Isle of Wight Echo Centenary Cup: Thrilling Table Tennis Finals

Thrilling Finale at Isle of Wight Echo Centenary Cup Tournament

The annual Isle of Wight Echo Centenary Cup tournament finals recently captivated a large and enthusiastic crowd, as they witnessed an evening of exciting and top-quality table tennis matches. This local media outlet, the Isle of Wight Echo, has been a generous sponsor of the island’s table tennis community, inaugurating this handicapped tournament last year as a welcome recognition of the Isle of Wight’s centenary.

The Tournament

The tournament, which originally saw 36 entrants of various ages and abilities, showcased the island’s thriving table tennis scene. In the first semi-final, 17-year-old Ryan Cates, one of the new generation of young Island players, faced off against fellow British Senior League player, Alex Rorke, emerging victorious in four sets. The second semi-final witnessed another young talent, Ethan Millward, defeat Shane Cates in an excellent match that was won at deuce in the final set.

The Final

The final was a thrilling encounter, with Ryan Cates ultimately overcoming Ethan Millward in three sets to claim the coveted title. This marks the second consecutive year a junior player has won the Isle of Wight Echo Centenary Cup, following Zak Holbrook’s triumph in 2023. As the champion, Ryan Cates will keep the Cup for a year and receive a £100 prize, while runner-up Ethan Millward was awarded £50.

Sponsor and Organizer

Isle of Wight Table Tennis Association chairman, Alex Rorke, expressed his delight with the generous sponsorship provided by the Isle of Wight Echo, stating that it has undoubtedly helped in promoting the sport among the wider community on the island. Rorke also praised the achievements of Ryan Cates and Ethan Millward, acknowledging their development through the association’s coaching system and their continued enjoyment of the sport.

The tournament organizer, Rob Smith, presented the Isle of Wight Echo Cup to the champion, Ryan Cates, as runner-up Ethan Millward watched on, solidifying the island’s reputation as a thriving hub for table tennis enthusiasts.

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